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As part of our data cleaning process, we match sites from the raw data that OSHA says are two different sites, but which we believe are the same. The data in this table contains a list of site information from the raw OSHA data that we believe represents this single site.

Year Raw OSHA ID Company Name Establishment Name Street Address City State Zipcode Industry Description
2019 790379 Dwire Earthmoving LLC Dwire Earthmoving LLC 6799 BISMARK ROAD, SUITE A COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80922 Excavating, earthmoving, or land clearing contractors
2020 1211175 Dwire Earthmoving LLC Dwire Earthmoving LLC 6799 BISMARK ROAD, SUITE A COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80922 Excavating, earthmoving, or land clearing contractors
2021 1435167 Dwire Earthmoving LLC Dwire Earthmoving LLC 3520 CAPITAL DRIVE COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80922 Excavating, earthmoving, or land clearing contractors
2022 1952908 Dwire Earthmoving LLC Dwire Earthmoving LLC 3520 CAPITAL DRIVE COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80922 Excavating, earthmoving, or land clearing contractors

Injury Rate

Injuries per 200,000 work hours (or 100 full-time employees)

  • Industry average for Site Preparation Contractors

Source: Labor Department

Credit: Reveal

Serious Injury Rate

Serious injuries require time off work or job restrictions

  • Industry average for Site Preparation Contractors

Source: Labor Department

Credit: Reveal

Annual Reports

Reported Year 2022

Injury Rate Serious Injury Rate Hours Worked Average Number of Employees
6.7 5.7 210,525 99
Number of Cases
Deaths With Days Away from Work With Job Transfer or Restriction Other Cases
0 3 3 1
Number of Days
Away From Work Of Job Transfer or Restriction
243 days 89 days
Injury and Illness Types
Injuries Skin disorders Respiratory
7 0 0
Poisonings Hearing Loss Other Illnesses
0 0 0

Reported Year 2021

Injury Rate Serious Injury Rate Hours Worked Average Number of Employees
7.1 4.0 251,025 119
Number of Cases
Deaths With Days Away from Work With Job Transfer or Restriction Other Cases
0 2 3 4
Number of Days
Away From Work Of Job Transfer or Restriction
3 days 53 days
Injury and Illness Types
Injuries Skin disorders Respiratory
9 0 0
Poisonings Hearing Loss Other Illnesses
0 0 0

Reported Year 2020

Injury Rate Serious Injury Rate Hours Worked Average Number of Employees
12.8 6.9 203,469 96
Number of Cases
Deaths With Days Away from Work With Job Transfer or Restriction Other Cases
0 1 6 6
Number of Days
Away From Work Of Job Transfer or Restriction
5 days 74 days
Injury and Illness Types
Injuries Skin disorders Respiratory
13 0 0
Poisonings Hearing Loss Other Illnesses
0 0 0

Reported Year 2019

Injury Rate Serious Injury Rate Hours Worked Average Number of Employees
9.0 5.0 199,869 96
Number of Cases
Deaths With Days Away from Work With Job Transfer or Restriction Other Cases
0 2 3 4
Number of Days
Away From Work Of Job Transfer or Restriction
63 days 102 days
Injury and Illness Types
Injuries Skin disorders Respiratory
9 0 0
Poisonings Hearing Loss Other Illnesses
0 0 0